Here's what happened:
Monday: We went to the Gdansk zoo near Park Oliwski. It was so fun! I don't know if any of you have seen the video of Snoop Dogg narrating Planet Earth, but that is what this field trip was like with Elder Dooley. Snoop Dool?
Tuesday: Went to Bydgoszcz for exchanges. I spent Tuesday with Sister Groesbeck--we did some family history work and taught a lesson or two.
Wednesday: Spent the day with Sister Larsen. Taught the cutest 15 year old girl who looks about 10 years old. She is sooo tiny! She is a self referral and seriously is the definition of golden. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and gave her a baptisimal date--June 17! She accepted. Ah! Miracles are happening in this mission!
Thursday: Traveled from Bydgoszcz to Poznan for Zone conference. We talked a lot about what we learned during the Elder Anderson conference. Here are a few of my notes:
-"thy faith hath made thee whole"
-Our faith allows God's power to come into our life--> the more faith, the more miracles!
-Sometimes, our faith needs to be tested!
-It takes faith in every step--maybe more, or different effort.
-Study, Ponder, Apply--the learning cycle!
-Pondering: time to think and receive revelation, learn through and with the Holy Ghost.
-"Look at people the way Elder Curtis looks at deer"
-How do we sanctify ourselves? Repentance!
After zone conference, we rode back to Gdansk.
Friday: Woke up at 4 to be at the Dworzec by 5:30 for our train to Warsaw for legal work. I went on splits with Sisters Hammond and Gheen (whose trainees were also doing legal work). It was fun to contact around my old city! Warsaw will always have a special place in my heart. We got unexpectedly stuck in Warsaw for the day and night--so we got to spend the day finding and teaching in Warsaw (no complaints from me, I got to see some familiar faces in my favorite place!). It was especially nice to see squaaaaaa. It was so nice to be around so many missionaries again!
Saturday: We got the earliest ticket back to Gdansk. Got back into the swing of normal missionary work. Went and had a lesson with a member and washed her dishes!
Sunday: 4 people in church! Wooo! Awkward fast and testimony meeting to say the least. It really amazes me, though....the Spirit can be so strong, even with only 4 members there! There may not be many in Poland, but they sure are mighty!
The world needs the gospel of Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless all of His Saints—regardless of where we serve [or HOW we serve*]—with a missionary heart.
*sister Beem insert.
have a great week! finish the school year strong!
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