In our efforts to get this branch more involved/unified/self reliant, we started up FHE last transfer. However, nobody.ever.comes. BUT, this week, the rockstars of the branch, Harol and Zoija (an older newlywed/newlyconvert couple), came! We did the object lesson where you have the sand and rocks and talk about priorities...the rocks go in first (scripture study, church, school, etc) and then the sand goes in after (social media, etc)...but then vice versa not everything fits. Except, we are ghetto and used noodles and sugar instead. I think they got the point, though. It was solid! Then, we played with nerf guns and shot Elder Dooley with his new sword/shield combo from Malbork. They loved it. They may be on the older side, but they act like they are so young! After that, we played an American card game called Wackee 6 (my new favorite game). It is complicated to explain in Polish...but once they figured it out, it was so fun! And Zoija got really, really competitive. Trash talk and everything. When she finally won a round, she stood up and yelled, "jestem najlepsza dziewczyna!!!!" (I am the best girl) hahaha.
Overflowin' the chapel...say whaaaa?
A typical non-summer sacrament meeting in Gdansk looks a little something like this: a room with 30 chairs and about 12 seats are filled (including the 4 missionaries).
However, a typical summer sacrament meeting in Gdansk looks a little something like this: All 30 chairs are filled, plus the extra chairs in the Priesthood room, plus people standing in the hallway.
What a good sight. A full sacrament meeting! Lots and lots of international visitors.
We also had 2 investigators there :) We are seeing miracles! The mustard seed of faith is real.
Bart came up to visit us this week! Elder Baldwin taught him when he was being trained in Warsaw...and then I got to see him baptized, etc when I came in the country...so it was really neat to all be together, almost a year later!
We Will Not Come Down:
Elder Baldwin shared the last part of this talk during district meeting on Tuedsay. Wow, it is incredible! I encourage you all to read it--it has been my motivation during this hard week.(https://www.lds.org/ general-conference/2009/04/we- are-doing-a-great-work-and- cannot-come-down?lang=eng\)
-Trump was in Warsaw on Wednesday and caused the worst traffic jam of my life.
-Bart always tries to sneak-attack hugs during pictures...
happy late 4th!!
(we celebrated by buying extremely expensive american root beer and ice cream to make floats!).
sister beem
ul. Wiertnieza 135, 1 Pietro
Mom note: I'm never sure what the meaning is behind Tal's email titles....this one included!!!
B was on business in Gdansk and visited Tal! |
The Lake Oswego Ward is having a "CTR around the world" bulletin board at church so Sister Meerdink photo-shopped this CTR shield into Tal's picture for the bulletin board....pretty cool, huh? |