Saturday, October 15, 2016

8. Week 8 MTC: Miał do Meow

Cześć Wam!!!

Mormon Celebrities: Elder Bednar!
I think we broke a record here at the MTC for how many apostles we've had the opportunity to hear from during our 9 week stay (typically, the MTC only hears from an apostle about once every 3 months--we're so blessed and lucky!). ELDER BEDNAR came on Tuesday. Wow, I love him. He and his wife talked to us about how we can get the most out of general conference. He told us how he reads and studies past conference talks. I don't know about you, but I definitely want to study the words of prophets and apostles LIKE an apostle does. He gets a piece of paper and draws out these three columns: Doctrine/Principle, Invitation, and Promised Blessings. He prayerfully studies the talk(s) and fills the paper out based on the actual words of the talk, his thoughts, his feelings, his impressions, etc. 
I studied a talk using this format this week....and I got SO much more out of it. Don't just! Elder Bednar said two things that stuck out to me, "What we learn in general conference should be our 'walk & talk' for the next 6 months" and, "Heaven coordinates conference and its themes". 

I never thought this day would actually come. But it finally did. FLIGHT PLANS, BABY. WOOOOO!!! 9 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAY!!
The travel office assigns a "travel leader" to the group based on alphabetical order. So, our travel leader is Starszy Adriano....but because my last name starts with a B...that makes me assistant TO the travel leader, right? 
We're all so excited...can you tell? (pics below). 

My motto of the week:
"So Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever" -Jeffrey R. Holland

-This week, we learned "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" in Polish! I was like, "if a Polish 3 y/o can sing this...I can sing this!!" (picture of the lyrics below)
-We went off campus again...and...wait for it, I SAW A DOG FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 2 MONTHS. I think I cried. 

Pa Pa! Love and miss you all!​​
Siostra Beem <3

Write me or "dearelder" me! 
Sister Talia Murphy Beem
2005 N 900 E Unit  45
Provo UT 84602

Out in the "real world" for her follow up foot appointment...
She was SO excited to see a dog:)

"Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam"

Flight plans in hand... They leave Monday, October 24th.  They fly through Chicago
and Amsterdam and then on to Warsaw.  No music, no phones, no movies--might be a long flight!!!

A highlight for them is to take "temple walks" across the street from the MTC.  

Halloween Waxed lips...

More "flight plans" pics...

Siostra's Rawson and Beem...I assume Larsen is taking the picture:)

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