Cześć Wam!
Who, What, Where:
Who: Sister DeMordaunt (from Idaho!) and Sister Beem (more to come down below)
What: Preachin' the gospel to the people of Poland.
Where: Warsaw, baby! Wooooo!!!
Smile and nod:
So my interactions with people go a little something like this, "Good Day/Hello. Excuse me, sir/miss. We are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints" then I look at Sister D because I don't know what is said on either side after that. Then I just smile and nod. It's a good little system we have down.
Sister D and Sister B take on the Big City....kinda rhymes, right?
Sister D is like my favorite human ever. She reminds me a lot of my girl Ally back home. We're going to have a lot of fun this transfer together, I can already tell! And we both are obsessed with Christmas so that is a huge bonus and blessing. She was so patient with me and my random naps this week. We'd be having a full on conversations and then like 12 seconds later, I'd just be passed out (jet lag and talia did not have a good relationship). She's an incredible teacher and I can't wait to learn from her. We're teaching some really amazing people right now and Sister D is doing so well taking the lead. People are being prepared here! I can see it! I have already seen it!
-I was told I have an accent! My dream finally came true!
-I got to speak (share my testimony) in sacrament one of the biggest congregations (50ish people) in Poland. Let's just say it was short and sweet :)
-It is way colder here than I expected it to be. Ah. Apparently it's going to be a crazy winter!
-The food is to die for. Everyone, pray I don't gain weight! Sometimes the meat is a little sketchy or I have absolutely no idea what I'm eating...but I just close my eyes and chew...and about 8/10 it's super good!!
-I will honestly be so surprised if I make it my whole mission without getting hit my a car. The drivers are like Utah drivers on steroids...yikes. And for some reason, Polish sidewalks are placed in the most inconvenient places on the busiest streets. Don't worry, mom :))
-Polish people park wherever they want. And they get away with it.
I love it here! I'M SO HAPPY. The church is true!
Siostra Beem <3
Siostra Talia Beem
Siostra Talia Beem
Poland Warsaw Mission
ul. Wiertnicza 135
02-952 Warszawa
One last MTC District picture... |
Oh, wait...this is the last one! |
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The first of many Paczki! |
World War II and then today...
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New food! |
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In the streets of Warsaw!!! |