On Thursday, Sister Stahl and I went on a roadtrip with Elder Ashworth and Adriano. We went about two hours outside of Warsaw to a tiny little farm town (and I mean TINY---super sketchy cobblestone roads, etc) to visit a family in our branch. They had a teenage neighbor over who we got to teach the restoration lesson to. The Spirit was there and we had a good conversation about the Gospel. I am learning to see the importance of member missionary work--it is an incredible thing--I am already seeing many miracles because of it!
Wondering what "boni" is? It, according to Elder Adriano, is the plural form of "bonus".
Not a whole lot to report on this...but it has been beautiful weather all week and I am one happy girl because of it :)
Thought of the Week:
I just read President Eyring's talk he gave at Women's Conference. I really like what he said, "Wherefore, my beloved brethren [and sisters], pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons [and daughters] of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure” (Moroni 7:45–48).
This is the goal that your Father in Heaven has for you, His precious daughters. It may seem to you like a distant goal, but from His perspective, you’re not that far away. So He visits you with His Spirit to comfort you, encourage you, and inspire you to keep going. I leave you my sure witness that the Father knows you—knows your needs and your name—loves you, and hears your prayers. His Beloved Son is inviting you to come unto Him. And They send the Holy Ghost to attend you in your efforts to serve others for Them".
You CAN feel the peace and love the Spirit can bring--pray for it--seek it!
Siostra Talia Beem
ul. Wiertnieza 135, 1 Pietro
02-952 Warszawa Poland
telefon: 48-22-665-9892
Road Trip pics...
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Comments from English class:) |
Finally a sunny day in Warsaw! |
We were able to meet the DeMordaunt family in Boise. They were so wonderful!!! Now we know why Tal loved Raquel so much!!! |
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Thist picture is of us and the University's student can see the Euro style in full effect, too.