Miracles on miracles on miracles:
1. We contacted this super cute, college-aged girl on the patelnia the other day. We gave her a flyer for our free English class...and off she went. However, on Wednesday, SHE CAME to English! She showed up and was like, "what do you guys even do here in Poland, anyways?!"....we told her we were missionaries and she said she would love to meet with us! We have a meeting with her this upcoming week. We can't wait!
2. An investigator who has been investigating for 2 years told us that she felt a "sparkle of light" (cough cough Holy Ghost) like she had never felt during our meeting. She is so close!
3. Our cute little investigator that has been working in Germany for the past 2 months is finally back! While she was gone, she continued to: read, pray, and study. We love seeing those we teach progress (especially on their own)!
4. We followed Sister Turek's advice...we did a Book of Mormon scripture study with our investigator. We weren't quite sure what she needed, so we went with 1 Nephi 8...czyli the Tree of Life. Sister D and her switched off reading while I drew what was happening on the whiteboard. At one point she stopped the reading and was like, "Sister Beem, that tree you drew is beautiful"....that was a compliment I have NEVER gotten before (my artistic ability is limited to stick figure people). Granted, it isn't that hard to mess up a tree and an iron rod, but still. Confidence boost.
This past week, we were moving stuff from one chapel to the other (getting prepped for the BIG branch merge!). One Elder was like, "I guess if the sisters stay and help, they can take the light stuff". Sister D was like, "UM LIGHT STUFF? We can take the heavy stuff, too. Ugh". Next thing I know, Sister D and I are carrying a full-on wardrobe on our own. Sister D's words, not mine, "We are women, hear us roar". Flip, she's my favorite.
When Two Become One:
I love seeing the church grow here, espeically in Warsaw. Our branch just merged with the Warsaw 1 branch yesterday. Now, we meet in an ACTUAL chapel. We had ORGAN prelude music. We OPENED (and almost FILLED) the overflow. Exciting times for our branch, mission, and church :)
Sister D and I translated senior primary yesterday. Don't let the word senior fool you. These kids were nuts. There were about 15 kids in an 8x10 classroom learning about the Urim and Thummim. Things were bound to get a little crazy. Anyways, the lesson ended by a girl saying that she was part-dragon and that she could communicate through her rainbow scales and then a boy telling her off. Hopefully this becomes our weekly calling...it keeps things exciting.
Thought of the Week:
Jesus Christ's #1 invitation? "Come Unto Me". (https://www.lds.org/general- conference/2013/04/come-unto- me?lang=eng). He showed us the way through His words and His example.
have a great week. choose the right. remember who you are.
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